Available for commissions , fully experienced working with art in the public realm, design and planning facility, fabrication and installation, conservation and public engagement.
I am a maker of sculptural objects. I will work in a variety of media and often will combine them within a single project. I work in stone, metal and wood and am also equipped to make hot melt and silicon rubber moulds for casting. Projects tend to be for commissions and often for installation in the public realm.
Recent projects have included the following techniques:-
- Stone relief carving
- Stone ‘vee cut’ lettering
- Mosaic inlaid into stone monolith
- Stone figurative carving
- Stone sand blast etching using vinyl masks
- Metal lasercut images
- Bronze cast commemorative plaques
- Figurative woodcarving
- Mosaic murals
- Mould /cast ferro concrete relief panels
Typically projects will start with research and consultation to scope ideas associated with a site or location. I have experience of conducting community consultations which can often yield a valuable insight into local interests and suggest themes for artworks. These consultations are often run as art sessions and workshops which in themselves enhance the provision of art opportunities within the community.
Projects themes developed in this way have enhanced public spaces with :-
- Information Plinths
- Paving as artwork
- Mosaic seating
- Stone carved seating bench
- Poetry carved in stone
- Lifeboat as travelling gallery
Commissioned by the National Trust to create a mosaic mural for inclusion within the newly built education centre at Clumber Park
Phase 1 of the project included working with locally recruited volunteers to train them in mosaic making and also field trips around the park to record the natural habitats for inclusion within design.
Phase 2 involved working with the mosaic volunteers to build two large mosaic panels based on the wildlife of Clumber

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Commissioned by the District of Bolsover to create a Sculpture for Carr Vale, Bolsover
Phase 1

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