Creative Sculptural Seating

Often within public realm projects there is scope to enhance an area by incorporating seating. This gives added value to the product and can help to achieve the desired outcomes. In particular seating can make the place more inviting and hospitable and cared for, encouraging families to spent time. If used in the right way seating can, for example, help to lower the incidence of crime and anti social behaviour.

Often within public realm projects there is scope to enhance an area by incorporating seating. This gives added value to the product and can help to achieve the desired outcomes. In particular seating can make the place more inviting and hospitable and cared for, encouraging families to spent time. If used in the right way seating can, for example, help to lower the incidence of crime and anti social behaviour.

Seating as Artwork

  • Bespoke designs can be tailored to fit each project

  • Involve the community in reaching a design adds pride
  • Seating becomes part of an integrated project

Choice of durable materials

  • Designed for safety, long life and low maintenance
  • Materials can include metal, stone and hardwood
  • Artwork can be cut into seat ends or mosaic set into frame

Often within public realm projects there is scope to enhance an area by incorporating seating. This gives added value to the product and can help to achieve the desired outcomes. In particular seating can make the place more inviting and hospitable and cared for, encouraging families to spent time. If used in the right way seating can, for example, help to lower the incidence of crime and anti social behaviour.

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Live performance

Et pretium aliquam sed vitae amet, id. At non dui aliquet in suspendisse.

Music video editing

Et pretium aliquam sed vitae amet, id. At non dui aliquet in suspendisse.

Digital content

Et pretium aliquam sed vitae amet, id. At non dui aliquet in suspendisse.

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We are pioneers in the production of commercials and digital content